Monday, 26 September 2011


You know what pisses me off... SOME BUS DRIVERS. I understand that being a bus driver may be a very crap job, I mean I remember what the students were like when I was at high school but don’t take it out on other drivers. I think it is stupid that you have to give way to buses always. I have seen so many close calls where bus drivers just pull out from the curb without looking. I’ve seen and experienced cars slamming on their brakes and smoke streaming from their tires to stop accidents that could have easily been prevented in the first place if the bus drivers would have given the courtesy of looking before pulling out or at least waiting till the car has passed. Many times the bus only needs to wait for the one car to pass but still pulls out anyway.
Not only bus drivers, but all drivers should say thank you to those who let them in.
I know it is not the law but it should be. I’m not saying you need to write a thank you card or a poem or buy them a box of chocolates but it takes 2 seconds to put your hand up to say thank you. It would surely help reduce road rage and maybe encourage drivers to let people in sometimes.

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